MP Nadira Narmatova opposed childbirth with the partner.

“This should be prohibited. Men should be out during delivery. That’s why there are many cesarean sections and many ruptures. This is not something shameful, this is the situation today,” MP Narmatova told Health Minister Alymkadyr Beishenaliev at the meeting of Ata Jurt Kyrgyzstan parliamentary faction today.

Delivery with the partner was cancelled, Health Minister Beishenaliev replied.

“Neither husband nor others will be present during delivery. We have cancelled this system,” the Health Minister said.In addition, MP Narmatova said that after childbirth, women should remain under medical supervision for a few more days.

“During the Soviet era, birthing women were discharged 7 days after delivery, when the mother was already a little stronger. Now women are discharged the the next day after delivery. Women can’t recover normally. Hence the mortality rate is high among mothers and children. What kind of methodology is this when they are discharged so soon after delivery? It wasn’t just women who told me this. Men ask such questions. The protocol needs to be reviewed,” the MP said.

Source: Akipress

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